
made by kawai 賣手作~* @ 『蘭桂芳節嘉年華』2010

made by kawai 賣手作~* @ 『蘭桂芳節嘉年華』2010日期及時間:
2010年11月13日 (星期六) 下午1時至 2010年11月14日 (星期日) 凌晨2時

more information please refer to the official homepage at:
Lan Kwai Fong Carnival 2010
Date : 13th Nov 2010 1pm to 14th Nov 2010 2am

Free Entry

Lan Kwai Fong Carnival 2010, the biggest fete in town is approaching! From 13th to 14th November, delicacies and drinks from all around the world, festive booths, live shows and performances will rock everybody from minute to minute.

Over 80 stalls not limited to fine food and drinks, an area dedicated to artistic handicrafts and accessories. Street and live performers coming from all around the world: Sichuan acrobats, Brazilian dancers, African drummers and many others. Performers in exotic costumes will parade on the streets through out the day. All day long competitions and interactive games will groove you from head to toe. Come get yourself overwhelmed by the most global exposure of all in Hong Kong.

This year, we are having great variety of booths not limited to fine food and drinks, but also an area dedicated to artistic handicrafts for the very first time (AHAHK). More than 30 local artists will demonstrate their work and creations, and you can join the creative team to experience and make your very own art pieces. Those who crave for delicacies and drinks from fine restaurants, you can now tasted them in the streets of Lan Kwai Fong, starting at $20 and up.

On the three stages in Lan Kwai Fong, there will be Sichuan acrobats, Brazilian dancers, African drummers and many other street and live performers coming from all around the world, competitions and interactive games, exciting parade and booths of fun games in Kids Streets running through out the day. Come join us and win great prizes. Lan Kwai Fong Carnival-The only place you can get overwhelmed by the most global exposure of all in Hong Kong.

Entertainment Schedule coming up soon! Stay tuned!
